Enterprise Management System- UX Case Study
Few Months ago, I have attended my first UX mentorship program by Adesh Bhansali, where he asked us to work on any problem which we come across frequently, I have been teamed with two awesome people Shivam Mishra and Ankita S to work on this.
Initial Problem Statement:
HMW increase productivity and ease management in start-ups and small businesses to help them optimize their resources?
Our Stakeholders:
After researching about the core stakeholders of our problem statement, we differentiated them in 4 sections- Core, influencers, Tertiary, Extreme and tried to understand the issues they counter on a daily basis in the industry.

Mindmap: Since it was our first project, after figuring out who are our core stake holders, we were like what next? and as our mentor suggested we prepared a mindmap, listing out everything regarding this project, this process was again 90 percent of research and 10 percent of assumption (since its also important to preassume things)
Link to the mindmap: https://www.mindmeister.com/1580718536?t=8Zn0pRcAO5

So we were done with our desk research, but the perspective to the problem statement was still not clear, we were still figuring out how we can get a clear vision towards the problem.
So it’s time for the Primary Research! We need to talk with people who are experienced in the management field, we looked for such people in our circles and found some (Major credit goes: Ankita and Shivam, they played a great role in the interview section)
Our User Interview Process:
- Prepared a Interview Guide.
- Virtual Interviews via Zoom.
- Interactive User Interview.
- Tried to understand their expressions for particular questions and note their reactions.
- Tried to have a clear picture of their thinking process.
- We have also recorded those interviews by taking proper consent of the interviewees.
Interview Guide:

Are you wondering who were Interviewed?
Here they are!

Yay! the interviews were over! We had a great fun while taking those interviews, got so many valuable points where we can work upon and now we were more clear about the solution of our problem statement.
Here are some User Personas of our interviewees

While having our chat with Saad we came to know about how his day goes like managing the whole team in his business, The best thing I found about him was he was really enthusiastic talking about his business, his expressions were clearly readable, we have also found some pain points of him in the process.

Simran’s work was quite interesting, we have came to know how things work in a production studio and how the team management is done, but the major problem she faces is managing her team during this covid times, keeping the track of work became difficult for her also another thing which she pointed out is, she can only manage the work via laptop/system, she wished to have a mobile version so remote work can be easier.

Supriya used to work in a small scale company as accountant, her work was quite sorted she told us about various positive things in her work process, the only thing she complained about is, she has to use different apps for different works, she wishes if these is a single platform where she can do any manage all her work.
After user personas, we tried to empathize with the users for a better understanding of their situation.

Customer Journey:With the customer journey we wanted to join Simran in her work process to see what she goes through while managing her stuffs

Along this path, we identified the pain points that most affected her:
- At first, she gets angry about the lack of seriousness of her team towards their work.
- Then, she faces confusion. Simran asks her team, what percentage of the work is completed, and she gets different data from a different colleagues.
- Later, she calls her team for a meeting to understand if there is any problem and creates a checklist for her team.
- She gets frustrated that she has to make her team understand the same work again and again individually, which is time-consuming.
- Most users use multiple different apps and platforms to go through their work activities.
2.Communication mainly happens through phone calls, text messages and face-to-face interactions
3.Users tend to keep a list of all the things that need to be done, these lists can be divided into 3(Things to be done immediately, things that can be done in the near future, things that need to be done at some point in the future)
4. Users maintain a calendar to plan and organize their meetings with the client and the internal team.
5. Some users use multiple Email ID’s and tend to miss out on meeting invitations
6. Users have to access most data regarding work on their laptops or computers.
- Stakeholders would like one platform which provides access to all work-related information and would make them more productive so that they don’t have to check different platforms for different work.
- Most employees don’t have access to office-related things on their phones and thus they have to carry their systems for remote work, which is not convenient at all.
- Communication needs to be more prompt and on a more official platform than WhatsApp and calls because some of them are not okay with sharing their personal numbers with their clients and colleagues.
- Most of the employees like to work from the office as they can interact better with the team, they are working with and also handle clients in a more interactive way.
- Owners want a collaborative platform where they can easily access all the databases along with the employee or client profile so that they can keep track of all the work along with the finance management, manufacture and product delivery etc.
- Most users use multiple different apps and platforms to go through their work activities thus sometimes they miss some very important work updates and thus it becomes a problem in workflow and schedules.

After all the research and brain storming, it was time to put every part of our research and find the core problem statement to solve, after analyzing each and every aspect of the primary research we found the below mentioned statement perfect to work on.
HMW increase productivity and ease management in start-ups and small businesses to help them optimize their resources.
NOW WHAT?It’s time for the solution!
We decided to design a mobile app so that both the employers can always look upon the track of the work assigned to his employees and there is one more reason behind making an app is, they don’t need to open their system always to check the work track or to assign a task, etc.
Since we decided to design an app, we prepared the information architecture for the app before wire framing, thus helping us to get a clear conception of the app.

TaskFlow: We have made the user flow of the tasks in the app and how a user will complete the task, it plays a crucial part in the process, here we need to plan the whole process a user will go through in the app and make it simpler so that it doesn’t frustrate the user

After the taskflows were done we jumped into making wireframes!

So finally the project was done, although we did some visuals as well I want this to be in core ux, since this is the first project I’d like to mention what I have learned through the process of this whole project!
- I have learned to approach an idea into a product.
- Research is really important in ux, you have to understand things with other's perspectives.
- Interaction with the stakeholders is the key to a great research.
- Learned teamwork during this project.
- Taking feedbacks. And a lot of things.
A few more learnings I would like to share is, This project was not successful, later while testing the wireframes we understood our approach was wrong and the problem we were solving was different from what the users need.
Huge shout out to Shivam Mishra and Ankita S my team members and Adesh Bhansali Sir to guide us through every step in the process.